Free Printable Trick or Treat Banner
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Free Printable Trick or Treat Banner
I can’t believe it is October already, can you?
It seems like just yesterday that we were all in a race to get things ready for back to school. And just like that, here’s October!
Anyway, I had this idea to create something fun and simple to hang up inside our house for Halloween.
So I came up with this cute and free printable Trick or Treat banner for you to enjoy.
Festive Yet Neutral
With mainly black, white, and grey, it is neutral enough to match just about any decor in your home.
But also just enough orange and green to be festive for Halloween.
We like to leave our Halloween decor up from the beginning of October up until the start of November.
Want an all-in-one Halloween Party Pack, instead?
Feel free to print it out on white cardstock, for best results, and laminate it if you want to reuse it again for next year.
Add a couple of hole punches to the top corners of each pennant (letter) and loop a string through each pennant to hang up on your wall or fireplace mantle.
One of the things I miss the most from our old house was the tall vaulted ceilings and the beautiful fireplace mantle in our great room. (sighs)
But since we do not have a fireplace mantle in this house just yet, (it’s on my diy to-do list this year, so tune in for that come spring) we will make do with the main living room wall for now and pretend it’s invisibly there, ok? 😉
It is fun to have goals and use our imagination in the meantime, yeah? 🙂
You can use a string of twine or even raffia to and be sure to leave an extra 4 inches on each end to have enough room to attach it to nail or something sturdy like that.